This is an advice article which could be used in schools or colleges that are related to SAP. Some of these questions relate to the production planning module and some of them relate to general sap topics. So, what are you waiting for? Get started writing your own posts today! This new generation software is a modern framework that provides a secure and streamlined way to access enterprise content, applications and data.
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Some of the SAP PP module questions along with answers :
Q. What is the difference between a logical plan and a numerical plan?
A: A logical plan includes the PPM (Production Planning Module) and APO (Production, Ordering Module), whereas a numerical plan includes just the PPM. A numerical analysis can also use cross-functional data from other systems like MIS, sales, finance, inventory etc.
Q. What are the steps involved in creating a Production Planning report?
A: The steps involved in creating a Production Planning report are as follows:
The second step is to choose Production Planning and then Production Status. The third step is to choose Availability Report, Delivery Report or Capacity Report. These reports should be used based on the purpose of business of the sap pp module.
Q. Name some types of material variants? What are they used for? How can you “lock” your material variant?
A: A material variant can have different stages of production at which they have unique characteristics. They are used to distinguish the same material with different characteristics and they can be used as a basis for planning. Material variants can be locked by deleting all the quantities, so that no other variant of the material can be planned. Material variants are also used to provide additional information about your own production planning.
Q. What does MTO (Make To Order) mean? What is an example of MTO? How are MTO products distinguished from standardized or existing products?
A: An MTO production means a product is made specifically for one customer, in contrast to mass production which involves making the same product many times.
Q. What does TQM (Total Quality Management) mean? What is an example of TQM? How are TQM products distinguished from standardized or existing products?
A: TQM production means that the product is made with maximum quality and to the customer’s requirement, in contrast to a mass production which involves making the same product lots of times.
Q. What does MO (Make-to-order) mean? What is an example of MO? How are MO products distinguished from standardized or existing products?
A: In mass production, items are made to produce as many as possible in a very short time frame. In MO, items are made to produce as many as possible without any delay. .
Q. What does RFQ (Request For Quotation) mean? What is an example of RFQ? How are RFQ products distinguished from standardized or existing products?
A: In mass production, quantities are made to the order of a customer. In RFQ, quantities are made only after the customer has decided in advance how much to purchase.
Q What does a demand forecast mean and how is it different from a sales forecast?
A: Demand forecast is an estimate of the future demand for a product Sales forecast predicts only the sales volume, not what customers will buy. Demand forecasts are made by historical data and predictions about future trends. A demand forecast can also be called a delivery schedule.
Q. How does SAP supply chain management help in getting orders from a customer?
A. Supply chain planning is business-to-business, business-to-customer and customer services.
Q. What steps should I follow in order to get an order?
A: Upon receiving an order, you would have to proceed as follows:
- Purchase requisition creation is the first step.
- The second step is to create a purchase order and the third step is the actual goods receipt.
- These steps are involved in placing orders with vendors.
Q. How would you proceed if you needed to make changes to an order?
A: If any changes need to be made to an order, the first step is to change the orders in SAP. The second step is to send a Purchase Order Change Memo (POCM) as a confirmation of change in the purchase order. The third step is to make a purchase requisition again and return this purchase requisition.
Case study: An order received by the sales department
Case study: An order received by the production department
Q. What are the four ways of submitting a purchase requisition? Which one is the most efficient way to submit an order for delivery?
A: There are four ways of submitting a purchase requisition:
The first way is to generate a Purchase Order by using Purchase Order Generate. This generates an attachment with the logic and text. The second way is to add SAP information in place of text with SAP Text Insert. The third way is to find out specific information about your company with Help Lookup.
Q. What is the difference between the Purchase Order Processing screen and Purchase Order List screen? How can you find out which purchase order has to be processed?
A: The Purchase Order Processing screen shows information about orders in progress, whereas the Purchase Order List screen shows information about received orders. The Purchasing Information System (PIS) is used to check on all the general information about your company. The Materials Management System (SAP MM) is used to check on all details of your company’s materials and vendors. The Production Planning System (SAP PPM) helps with production planning, scheduling and planning of your sales and purchases.
Q. What are the different ways of managing purchase orders? Which one is the best way To manage an order? How many purchase orders does your company have?
A: There are many different methods of managing a purchase order. Some ways are more efficient than others depending on your company’s structure, situation And environment. SAP systems can be used to maintain business-to-business ordering, Business-to-customer ordering or customer services (order entry). This will depend on the type of enterprise you are in.
Hope these questions and answers may help you to know more about it go through SAP PP online training in Hyderabad. A central repository with tools combined with powerful search, analytics, mobility and social features makes SAP PP an innovative platform that helps organizations innovate and grow their businesses in today’s digital age.